Sapir Sabag



Passpartu is a travel app, a place for travelers to save any information they encounter at any given time. Passpartu will help travelers create an efficient and reasonable day-to-day travel route tailored to the user’s personal preferences; It will assist travelers to organize their schedule, attractions, and trip style.


The problem

When planing a new trip, one can be overwhelmed by the vast amount of information flooding the internet, social networks, literature, and also from friends and family.

There is just Too Much Information, and it can be frustrating trying to figure out what to do, what is relevant to me, and what makes sense in terms of distance and trip timetable. 



Nowadays it’s much easier to travel around the world. However, planning those trips is a different story.

In my research, I wanted to focus on how people approach their trips; About their decision-making process before and during their trip.


I conducted an online survey and interviewed people about this topic:


When we look at types of travelers it came down to 4 types of personalities.

1. The “Spontaneous” – lands in a country, with zero to minimum preparation.  

2. The “Highlighter” – knows what the are things to do and see, but goes with the flow during the trip.

3. The “Organized” – knows precisely where to go and what to see, but is opened to changes.

4. The “Meticulous” – plans every detail of the trip and gathers information.

What kind of traveler are you?

  • The vast majority of people learn about the place they are traveling to and gather information using screenshots, write notes on their smartphone and\or make docs on the computer to save all the info. 
  • Most people consider themselves as the “Highlighter” (45%) and the “Organized”. (40%). 

*Only 10% consider themselves as spontaneous.


What did you do with all the information you gathered?

  • Travelers try to create a reasonable, doable trip schedule that depends on location, places of interest, and opening hours.
  • 50% answered they make a schedule for each day of the trip. 45% add the points on the google maps app and 30% prints out the information.


What information was most helpful to you on this trip?

  • A large portion of the respondents answered ‘Opening \ Closing hours of sites’ and ‘Good restaurants & bars near the tourist sites and their accommodation’. Another popular answer was about whether they ‘Need to buy tickets in advance’. 
  • Some people answered ‘Dates and locations of holidays and local events’ and ‘A good tour guide’.
  • Most people find recommendations from travelers’ websites, social networks (Instagram and Facebook), and asking friends and family.



Thanks to the information I got from my survey and interviews, I have found similar pain points that almost every traveler experiences.


Travelers usually do a lot of info gathering and reading before their trip, but they would like to try to create a unique and spontaneous experience.


Travelers having a hard time finding one suitable platform to save and organize all the information about the destination site seeing, events, holidays, restaurants, etc.


Travelers trying to make sense of all the data and turning it into a travel itinerary that fits the trip vibe, duration, and other variables.


Market research

There is a huge amount of websites, apps, blogs and literature that supplies any kind of information about anywhere in the world. Some offer organized routes or road stories; Some allow you to create and save landmarks on your map (Google Maps); Some offer routes and points of interest of local people (Coolcousin). Most of them provide an endless amount of information and places recommended by other travelers (Trip Advisor, LaMetayel, Culture Trip, etc).
The market is full of such information and those services.


The gap

Those services do not relate to the process of collecting information, sorting it, and turning it into a suitable itinerary for you.

Lack of one designated place to drop all the information results in a lot of vital information that has not been used, lost or deleted.


User story

Orly, 25, from Tel Aviv.
A law student at the Tel Aviv University, she is living with her partner Or, a philosophy and literature student who is 27 years old.
Orly works as a waitress at the local Caffe house three days a week and Or works as a substitute teacher in an elementary school; saving every penny for their dream trip to Tuscany, Italy.

They love to travel; Orly always texts Or about interesting new places she discovers. Or screenshots Facebook posts about cool places; When they finally travel, most of this information is forgotten or lost. In the end, they do the same generic route everyone else does.


User journey & flow

Or and Orly are sitting in their living room after a long school day, watching a TV show called “Aharoni and Gidi in Italy”. They are visiting an 80-year-old master pasta maker. And the pasta looks delicious.

Orly wants to go there, so she opens Passapertu and adds to collections the name of this place, puts the smartphone away and continues watching the show. Several days after, while browsing Facebook, Ori comes across a post about music festivals in Florence. Or screenshots the post, opens the app, and in the search by image marks the text with the names and dates of the festivals, the app locates their names; Ori saves the ones he is interested in into his collections And closes the app.

Two years go by, and Or and Orly finally have enough money to go on their dream trip to Tuscany.


They open a new trip on Orli’s Passpartu app; they enter their destination and dates. After clicking continue they add Or as another member in this trip and join his collections from his smartphone. On the bottom, they see a note that says they can skip this part and edit the trip preferences at any time, they choose to continue. They have decided to rent a car so they add it to the means of transport. On the trip style section, they mark food and photography (Orly is an amateurish photographer and usually spends more time on sites than other people. She was very happy to see that the app will consider her hobby). They want the trip pace to be an easy & relaxed trip and so they will not be exhausted by the end of every day. Deciding it is enough for now they skip the rest and see their route.

Passpartu calculates and creates a day-to-day trip plan. It shows them a list and a map view; for example, on the second day, Passpartu plans for them to have breakfast in the coffee shop from the “Aharoni and Gidi in Italy” TV show, which is near the annual music festival they saved two years ago! It also notifies them to buy tickets in advance.

During the trip, on the day they are supposed to travel to the hot springs, Passpartu alerts them about an incoming storm, and offers an alternative indoor venue instead. What a lifesaver!

The trip was exactly what they wanted – relaxed and enjoyable;

Tailor-made just for them.


My advantages

One place to “rule them all”:

A designated platform for storing all the information collected over the years so no important and unique information will be lost or forgotten.

Don’t have a trip in the foreseeable future? Don’t worry, all the information is safe and waiting for your next adventure.



or Complete trip customization:

In creating a New Trip you can enter details such as; The trip travelers, various ages, their relations (siblings, cousins, friends); The trip style and pace (relaxed or busy); And also personal meetings. The route created can be changed and modified at any point, before and during the trip.


Visual search:

See several hot recommendations in one Facebook post? Printscreen it and open it on Passpartu. The app offers a visual search using a picture from the smartphone gallery or camera.


Save and share your trip:

All the routes of the trip are saved in the app and can be shared.

Whenever your friends ask you for recommendations, just share your amazing route with them!


Features & uniqueness

Route Perfect:

Add any information relevant to the trip, such as personal meetings and reservations, which helps to create the perfect route for each traveler.



Prioritize a place by assigning it with a golden star; to make sure the app adds it on the next trip.


Travel together:

Add other members to the trip, make a joint collection and create the best route for all.



The app will alert you about any significant changes, such as bad weather, tickets needed in advance, etc. Passpartu will also offer an alternative route.



Discover new places, hidden gems, and tips, and follow other traveler’s routes.


Fonts, Colors & logo

The app design is inspired by Jule Verne's novel "Around the world in 80 days."








